Hot, Orange, Israeli Sky

Tel Aviv, a city I had dreamed of, then lived in, then eventually left. A city that is still part home. I am on the rooftop, gazing down. Flat roofs covered in sticky tar, little dens, places to smoke, places to drink cold beer. before returning to neon lit stairwells. Turn around and you can see the sea, the salty air corroding the Bauhaus houses in places. It is sticky, electric, noisy. Traffic noises carry from all directions, a hot breeze brings with it scents of fast food and spice, of orange blossom and diesel. A city built on sand, bordered by citrus groves. Now skyscrapers dominate horizon, powerful and exciting, but here, on my roof, perhaps for a while longer, things can be the same as they were. This work has a richness of colour and emotion, a satisfying realism.

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